In Retrospect
Seventeen Years of FASHION at ECU
I was pleased to be invited to participate in this exhibition to celebrate the final year of the ECU Fashion course. Garments from my graduate collection were displayed alongside fashion photography and works from many talented graduates. I feel so lucky to have been a student in such a creative environment.

Artist Residency at Inglewood Arts Hub
July 2024 – December 2024
I enjoyed discovering Inglewood, the Art Deco architecture influenced my work and led to investigating how my gouache paintings could be digitally printed onto textiles. For further information about my work at Inglewood Arts Hub, please click on the following link:

Fremantle Street Gallery Project
July 2024
Thanks to Artsource and The City of Fremantle, this time at 6 Adelaide Street, Fremantle
Communication and The Trees Know, 2020
photo Ros de Souza
Edith Cowan University graduate art exhibition
22 November 2023
No Horizon, 2023 (detail)
Installation artwork on rice paper with natural dyes, semi ink and frontage technique
“I invite the viewer to immerse themselves in my installation. Ocean or land? Past, present, or future? The layered impressions created on paper from found specimens capture a moment in a brief life and are reminiscent of fossils. Imagine the existing layers beneath us created through deep time, and those yet to come, when species of land and sea will merge and part again, in an immense and continuous shifting.”
Fremantle Street Gallery Project
February 2023
Thanks to Artsource and the City of Fremantle I have another opportunity to display some work, this time in the High Street Mall. Paper sculpture I created for the Indian Ocean Craft Triennial, Converging Currents exhibition at the City of Wanneroo,
Pattern and Flow #1 and #2
“These works were created during the summer when I was enjoying a daily ritual of swimming in the ocean. The swirling and moving ribbons of seaweed wash up on the beach where they dry in the sun, twisting and developing a myriad of tiny patterns on their surface.
The paper-pulp bowls reference the ocean offering its bounty but also as uncontainable, spilling out and overflowing where it chooses.”

Edith Cowan University graduate fashion exhibition Eye Spy
9 December 2022
A LOT of work went into my final fashion collection The Place Between
“My collection exists as a reflection of my identity as a person who has lived a half a life in two opposite hemispheres. Garments evoke a feeling of belonging to both places with the impossibility of knowing just one. Textiles from one place are eco-dyed and printed with leaves from another; stitching as embellishment reveals and connects motifs from both. The shell-like habitat of the garments allows freedom of movement for walking, with pockets for carrying precious gleaned fragments for creative purposes, enabling the garments to become part of the landscape whilst implying the personality of the wearer. Silhouettes may reference birds and evoke the feeling of freedom and connection to the environment. Concern for our growing disconnection from the natural world, and an awareness of sustainability informs both choice of cloth and dyeing techniques”
Fremantle Street Gallery Project May 2022
Thanks to Artsource and The City of Fremantle, I have been able to display some of my paper sculpture created at Beverley in 2018, Carrillon, on display at 197 High Street.
Indian Ocean Craft Triennial 21
Converging Currents
8 September – 13 November 2021 at the Wanneroo Gallery, 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo
A collaboration with artist Judy Rogers, The Postcard Project.
“This analogue exchange ritual took place during 2020/21 between two visual artists, both born overseas, and who now consider Wanneroo to be their home. The postcards become souvenirs of a particular time and place, as the artists pause to consider which images they associate with their local landscape.”
Fine Art @ Hale online
7 August-6 September 2020
Even Keel, Wanneroo Library & Cultural Centre
24 February – 9 April 2020
One of my earlier gouache artworks, Million Dollar Sunsets, painted in 2006, is included in this exhibition. This painting is in the City’s Art Collection.
Very Happy to receive the 2020 JCAA Award!

JCAA Members Art Awards Exhibition – 28 January – 24 February 2020
At the Joondalup Art Gallery, Central Walk, Joondalup. The exhibition presents artworks by five artists (including myself) who were selected to exhibit a body of work of their choosing.
HOME Exhibition, The City of Wanneroo – 18 November 2019 – 1 February 2020
I have been invited to take part in this exhibition, exploring the theme of ‘home’ and what it means to live in the City of Wanneroo, especially for those who were born in other countries and who choose to make Australia their home. Along with artworks from myself and the other selected artists, there are exhibits from the City of Wanneroo Museum, which has been beautifully curated.
Beverley to Curtin Springs – 20 October – 17 November, 2019
A solo exhibition at Ellenbrook Arts HQ, 34 Main St Ellenbrook featuring work created from artist residencies in Beverley, Western Australia and Curtin Springs, in the Northern Territory during 2018. Experiences and elements of The Australian landscape have been extracted and are interpreted in paper sculpture, gouache paintings, drawings and mixed media.
Finalist 2019 Perth Royal Art Prize
I have been selected to exhibit in the Wilkinson Gallery, 1 Graylands Road, Claremont Showgrounds. The Perth Royal Art Prize exhibition and the Salon will be open for public viewing from Tuesday 17 – Thursday 19 September from 6pm-8pm (admission free) and for sale online from 24 September and then during the Royal Show.
I was pleased to have my paper sculpture work ‘Many Layers’ selected and I have been invited to participate in a further exhibition at Joondalup Art Gallery and to submit three new works (details to be advised).
JCAA Members Selection Exhibition 2019
I will be participating in this exhibition at Joondalup Art Gallery, 4/48 Central Walk, Joondalup Tuesday 6 August to Friday 30 August. I will be on roster there on Friday 16 August 5-7pm.
Fine Art at Hale 2-4 August 2019
I am very pleased to have been invited back to exhibit at Hale again. This year some paper sculptural work on display.
Lasting Impressions Exhibition
If you are travelling to Alice Springs, you will see some of my work, created during my residency at Curtin Springs Station during 2018. The Exhibition includes work from ten artists in residency and showcases the beautiful and unique Curtin Springs papers.
Winged Creatures of the Salt Lake – relief print on Curtin Springs paper stitched with bang tails
The Exhibition is at the June Marriott Gallery, Central Craft, Araluen Cultural Precinct, 61 Larapinta Drive, Alice Springs Friday 24th May – Sunday 16th June 2019
Exhibition Flyer AiR exhibition Lasting Impressions
I am very pleased to have been invited to exhibit an artwork in the
Rottnest Foundation Art Exhibition
The work had to be on the supplied canvas – so had to do something a little different to my recent work but enjoyed the challenge!
Leamac Picture Framing
I have some gouache paintings on display in Chris McCombie’s shop
(April 2019 ongoing)
Unit 2, 21 Pensacola Terrace, Clarkson
Artist in Residence at Beverley Station
During the month of November 2018 I will be at Beverley Station Gallery located 130km east of Perth in the picturesque Avon Valley.
Perth Royal Art Prize for Landscape
22-29 September 2018 Perth Royal Show, Claremont Showgrounds
I have a gouache painting in this exhibition – The Open Gate
- The Art Prize and Salon des Refuses artwork is now available online at
Fine Art at Hale 27-29 July 2018
I will be participating in this event for the first time.
City of Joondalup Community Art Awards 2018
Was very pleased to win Most Outstanding Artwork at this Exhibition!
City of Wanneroo Community Art Awards & Exhibition 2018
Artist in Residence at Curtin Springs Paper
Residency at Curtin Springs from 29th April to 13th May 2018.